Rural zone

The rural zone covers land that is suited for farming and other rural uses and is usually located outside of towns. The types of rural activities that are likely to occur in this zone include growing crops or other plants, animal farms, including both open areas and large buildings, and uses supporting these rural industries such as storage and packaging. Land in this zone may be protected for rural activities that need large pieces of land, rather than smaller lots. In addition to farming, other activities that complement the rural character may also be found in this zone, for example a winery cellar door and cafe.

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Zone selection

If your property does not yet have a street address or if can't find your property in the search results, you can also initiate an enquiry by selecting the appropriate development zone below.

If you don't know the zone that your property belongs to, you can try the North Burnett Regional Council - Property Mapping system (use the House Address Search at the bottom of the screen), or contact council to enquire directly.